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Expert formulas.

GrowUp 16% Protein Pellets

Premium high protein starter feed for young calves

NRM GrowUp® 16% is a premium calf  feed  formulated  to  provide  the  protein  and  energy  required  to  support  ongoing  development  in  calves  over   80kg   liveweight.   Formulated   to   complement   the   high   protein   pasture  available  for  spring  born  calves  that  have  been  weaned,  NRM  GrowUp®  16%  provides  a  source  of  energy  and  carbohydrates  that  is  balanced  with  high  quality  protein  sources.  Together  with  quality  pasture,  NRM GrowUp® 16% supports continued rumen development in growing calves and aids in the transition to an all pasture diet.  

NRM GrowUp® 16% can also be used when performance targets have not been achieved or are under threat. 

Key Benefits and Features

  • Premium 16% protein feed for once-a-day and twice-a-day feeding systems.
  • Balanced energy/protein for rumen and calf development.
  • Vitamin and mineral package for optimal health and development.
  • Moozlee flavourants for consistent palatability.
  • Bovatec® to aid in the prevention of coccidiosis.
  • PKE free.
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Feeding Recommendations

Feed 1  to  1.5kg  per  calf  per  day  between  80  and  120kg  liveweight,  depending  on  desired  performance,  forage  quality and availability. For best results, feed unweaned calves on NRM Moozlee® or GrowUp® 20%, transitioning to GrowUp® 16% after weaning off milk, depending on the quality of the pasture available.  


Wean off milk gradually at a minimum 6 weeks of age and 65-80kg when consuming between 1 to 1.5kg NRM calf feed depending on the calf size and breed.  

Continue to feed NRM calf feed at 1-1.5kg/head/day for 1-2 months after weaning from milk. NRM GrowUp® 16% should be offered fresh each day. If fed in troughs, clean these out frequently. 

Ensure access to clean reachable drinking water and good quality forage. 

Typical analysis
(approximate on a dry matter basis)


Ingredients Selected From

Grain and grain by-products, oilseed meals and by-products, molasses, minerals (including limestone, dicalcium phosphate, salt), vegetable oils, organic acids, vitamins and essential oils, trace minerals, vitamins A, D and E, range of B vitamins including biotin, flavour, Bovatec® 20CC. 

Contains added copper and selenium. Do not use at the same time as other selenised fertiliser, prill or product without consulting with a nutritionist or veterinarian. 

GrowUp® 16% Calf Feed with 500g/tonne Bovatec® 20CC



CONTAINS Bovatec® 20CC which is registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997, No. A009679.  

See for registration conditions. 

INDICATIONS Contains 100mg/kg of lasalocid sodium as 500g/tonne Bovatec® 20CC as an aid in the control of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria species in cattle. 

Feed 0.75kg of NRM GrowUp® 16% per 75kg calf to provide 1mg of lasalocid per kg of body weight. Ensure young animals have access to GrowUp® 16% at least 2-3 weeks prior to weaning as coccidial challenge is most likely to occur in the first eight weeks after weaning. 

DIRECTIONS FOR USE  This product must not be used for growth promotion in ruminants intended for human consumption. By law the user must take due care, obtaining expert advice if necessary, to avoid unnecessary pain and distress when using the product other than as directed on the label.

DOSE RATE For coccidiosis control, minimum dose rate of 5mg Bovatec®/kg live weight (1mg lasalocid sodium/kg live weight) is required per day. Up to twice this dose rate is indicated where severe coccidial challenge is expected or a wide range of individual live weights occur within a group. For example, feed 1.5kg of GrowUp® 16% per 75kg calf, to provide 2mg lasalocid per kg of body weight. 

CAUTION Do not allow dogs, horses (or other equids), alpacas (or other camelids) access to feeds containing Bovatec®, as ingestion by these species may be fatal.

Do not feed to deer, milking goats, sheep, laying poultry and other non-ruminant animals.  

Care must be exercised when feeding concurrently with other antimicrobials. 

  • Do not feed with other ionophores, e.g. monensin capsules, liquid or premix.
  • Do not exceed the recommended dose rates.
  • Do not feed more than a total of 400mg lasalocid sodium/head/day to lactating cattle.
  • Not to be used for single-dose treatment.
  • Disposal: avoid contamination of any water supply with this feed or its empty bag.

WITHHOLDING PERIOD It is an offence for users of this product to cause residues exceeding the relevant MRL in the Food Notice: Maximum Residue Levels for Agricultural Compounds.

Meat: Nil

Milk: Cattle Nil
Not to be used for bobby calves