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Expert formulas.

A well-balanced diet is essential every day to ensure working horses receive all required nutrients for fitness, recovery and overall health. Plenty of forage and a well-formulated performance horse feed are a great start. Deciding which supplements to include can be challenging, given the large number of products on the market. Most of these supplements […]

The element sodium (Na) is essential for all animals. It functions as a major extracellular cation and is essential for maintaining osmotic pressure in the body as well as water regulation. It is essential for transporting nutrients around the body and removing waste from cells. It is also involved in nerve impulse transmission and muscle […]

Falling pasture quality over the coming months can dramatically affect the performance of milking animals and young stock, but countermeasures are available. Spring calving cows should be “in their groove” by November – they will have peaked in production and now be gradually easing back while regaining condition as best they can. Carefully reared calves […]

Weaning is the process of transferring a calf from a liquid milk diet to a completely ‘solid’ based diet. Successful weaning is dependent on ensuring that a calf’s digestive system is well set up for processing bulky high fibre pasture and the decisions you make in the pre-weaning period can have a significant impact on […]

In terms of reproductive performance, if conservative by nature or restrained by budgets it might be worth starting with the little things and working up the food chain rather than concluding the big cost items are beyond reach and do nothing. Essential trace minerals are reactive elements that are required in tiny amounts that get […]

Preparing a yearling for sale is an important event in the stud calendar for both Thoroughbreds and Standardbreds and involves a carefully tailored balance between correct nutrition, conditioning, growth and fitness. Properly prepared yearlings will be fit, sound and well grown, with shiny coats and little body fat. When preparing a yearling for sale it […]